Via ferrata Čikola Canyon (B/C) Croatia

This almost 1.7km long via ferrata route runs through the rugged landscape of Čikola Canyon.


Grade: B/C
Vertical: 180m ferrata, 450m total
Time: 20min approach, 1h ferrata, 40min descent, 2h total
Access / Parking: 43.8409,16.0447Google Maps or any Android maps app
Start via ferrata: 43.8410, or any Android maps app
Download gpx track

Map and photos


Parking coordinates are on the side of road 6078, close to the start.

Approach to start

From the parking area, we follow the footpath to the first viewpoint, continue past the long ziplines across the canyon, which are not part of the route, and arrive at the second viewpoint.

At the second viewpoint, do not follow the path that descends directly into the canyon, as it leads to rock climbing walls. Instead, turn 180 degrees and proceed north, then keep right and begin descending into the canyon.

The route

The route is secured right from the entrance, but after that, we come across easy, unsecured passages as well. The entire path is marked with red and white dots. As we approach the water, the experience becomes even more exciting with the addition of artificial steps that guide us upward once more.

Depending on the time of year, the riverbed can be dry or flowing with turquoise water.


After the via ferrata cable ends, we follow the path above the canyon until we return to the starting point. Although this footpath is not continuously marked, it should not present any orientation problems.

Good to know

  • It can become quite hot inside the canyon, during the Summer months, so bring enough water.

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