Above the alpine town Mojstrana, situated at the beginning of the Vrata valley, you can climb two sporty via ferratas up to Grančišče peak at 844m, while enjoying the views towards the Julian Alps and Karawanks. We’ll cover here the harder of the two routes, named Pot mojstranških veveric.
Grade: C – view topo
Vertical: 180m ferrata, 205m total
Time: 10min approach, 1h ferrata, 30min descent, 1h40min total
Access / Parking: 46.4588,13.9367 – Google Maps or any Android maps app
Start via ferrata: 46.4583,13.9345 – Mapy.cz or any Android maps app
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Map and photos

We arrive in Mojstrana village, situated between Kranjska Gora and Jesenice, connected by road 201 and a nice bike path that runs alongside it, separated from the car traffic. Paid parking is available near the Slovenian Alpine Museum, where you can also rent via ferrata gear.
Approach to start
Go up the main road for about 2 minutes, after which you make a sharp right, following the via ferrata signs.
The route
Built to modern standards, this route goes up to the top of Grančišče (844 m) and intersects the easier variant, Aljaževa pot, a few times. In the first part of the route we find a nice ladder to spice things up. A miniature Aljaž tower (Aljažev stolp), with a log book inside, marks the end of the route and the summit.
Follow the marked trail and arrive back to start in about 30 minutes. Don’t descend on any of the via ferratas.
Good to know
- Closed during Winter from November 1st to April 1st.
- The board at the entrance states that a few sections are graded D.
- The name of the route means “The Way (or path) of the Master Squirrels”.
- You can combine the routes in Mojstrana with ferratas Hvadnik and Jerm`n in nearby Gozd Martuljek.
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Main sources
- tadejatravels.com (Slovenian)
- bergsteigen.com (German)
- we climbed the route on August 27, 2017 and August 1, 2022